Review of Evan37 EVOLVE Delta-10 THC Cartridges

Evan37 sent me their EVOLVE Delta-10 THC 1-gram cartridges for review.

Delta-8 vs Delta-9 vs Delta-10

If you’re not familiar with Delta-10, it’s basically another cannabinoid derived from hemp, like Delta 8 and Delta 9. Delta 9 is normal THC; the OG stuff you grew up with. Delta-8 came out a few years ago. And in the last year or so, Delta-10 hit the market.

Delta 8 is considered relaxing, and Delta 10 is supposed to be energizing and uplifting, and both are weaker than Delta 9. But they all get you high.

It’s said that Delta 8 is 50-60% less potent and less psychoactive than Delta 9. And Delta-10 is supposedly 20-30% less potent than Delta-8. So if you’re a beginner, Delta 10 seems to be a good place to start. But I will caution any beginner, Delta 10 can still give you a pretty strong psychoactive high.

Evan37 Delta-10 Cartridge Specs and Flavor Tests

OG Kush

Pineapple Express

Both of these have a really clean flavor, not too strong, just nice and light. The hit’s really smooth too. I don’t get the urge to cough nearly as much as I do with Delta 9.

I Still Get a Nice Psychoactive High

So this was my first time trying Delta-10 and to me, it feels pretty much the same as normal Delta-9. I’m a lightweight though so someone who uses Delta-9 regularly might notice more of a difference with Delta-10.

But I can tell you one thing for sure; this stuff works. I got a psychoactive experience just like normal THC. So if that’s what you’re looking for, this stuff will work for you.

I think one of the biggest benefits of Delta 10, is that it’s legal in a lot of places where Delta 9 isn’t. Delta 8 is too. And that’s because it’s hemp-derived, which makes it legal across the US. But some states are regulating it on their own. So depending on where you live, if Delta9 is illegal, you might have another option for THC.

All in all, though, this Delta-10 from Evan37 is the real deal. It tastes good, it’s super smooth, it’s potent, and it works.

This was sent to me for review from Evan37 and you can pick them up here.

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