Vaping Makes an Appearance In a New Foo Fighter’s Music Video

The Foo Fighter’s just released their music video for their song called “Run” and near the end of the video, vaping gets some of the spotlight.

This song is actually kinda heavy (which is my style). There’s a lot of screaming but it still sticks to that traditional Foo Fighter sound too.

And like most Foo Fighter videos, it’s really funny. The band members are basically senior citizens in an old folks home playing a show. The residents start moshing, they go nuts and run out into the streets and come across a parked car with a group of young people vaping. The old people pull the hipsters out of the car, an old man rips off one guy’s man bun, grabs his vape, and takes a huge rip. It looks like the Smok TFV8 or TFV12, which is pretty funny.

Anyway, check it out!

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