Steepd Vape Co.’s Forest Mist E-Juice Review

This e-juice was sent to me for review from Steepd Vape Co. out of the UK and I believe you can only get it out of the UK right now, but hopefully they make their way to the States soon because it’s a very good line.

I’ve actually had Steepd e-juice before, except for their newest Quick Shake flavor, but this is one of my favorite lines of all time. But it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed this line and I actually had some audio issues with my original videos, so I think some updated videos are in order.

Alright, so let’s talk about Forest Mist

The Details

This is a Max VG e-juice and the prices online range from around 8-15 British pounds for 40-50mls.

Description: A blend of red berries and black grapes combined with sweet eucalyptus, aniseed, and menthol.

Ingredients: The flavor ingredients listed on the bottle are cherry, blackcurrant, menthol, and aniseed.

Smell: The unique smells comes right out as soon as you pop open that cap. The blackcurrant and aniseed is definitely strong in this one.

How It Tastes

This is definitely a menthol and aniseed mix. You’ll get the menthol at the forefront at first, but it’s actually not all that strong. If you don’t vape menthol it’ll probably seem strong until you get used to it, but compared to other menthol e-juices, this one seems a little lighter.

After the menthol I immediately get the aniseed flavor. The other flavors here are red berries, grapes, and eucalyptus. After the menthol calms down, I can slightly get the hint of berries and grapes, but it’s very light and slightly earthy.

As far as eucalyptus goes, I’ve never had eucalyptus before so I have no idea what it tastes like, but I imagine the combination of berries and aniseed is what gives it that flavor. Overall it’s a unique complicated flavor.

If I had to break down I’d call it a menthol and very light berry mix.

Check out my other reviews of Steepd e-liquid here

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