Here’s episode four of the VapePassion Show. Find links to everything mentioned in the vlog below the video.
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- Stitcher coming soon…hopefully. Still waiting on approval
- Leading Tobacco Control Expert Slams Anti-E-Cig Lobby
- Proper appraisal
- A Guide to Making Custom Battery Wraps
- Scientist Tells AAAS Convention that Electronic Cigarettes are Just as Dangerous as Real Ones
- Through with Chew Week: Don’t Be Fooled
- Vape-atomizer-mesh mystery box. Are aluminum and copper safe to vape?
- How can we extend the life of our batteries?
- Where Was All the Vape Talk at the Debate, Demands Right-Wing Vaping Champion
- Teen e-cig lover admits: “I vaped my dad’s wee”
- Representative Tom Cole (R-Ok) H.R. 2058 bill is gaining political support for vaping