Study Shows Vaping Helps More Smokers Quit Than FDA Approved Products

The New England Journal of Medicine just published a new study today that shows vaping is twice more successful in helping smokers to quit smoking than patches, lozenges, and gum. The study was performed by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and it was funded by Britain’s National Institute. Independent experts who have reviewed … Read more

The Largest Study Yet on Teen Smoking Shows That Vaping is Not a Gateway to Smoking

There are already many studies that show that vaping is not a gateway to smoking, but this most recent study is probably the largest one yet.

This study was performed by researchers from The University of Stirling, the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, Cardiff University, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), and King’s College London. There are no reported conflicts of interest.

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A Huge Study Shows that Vaping Can Prevent 6 Million Premature Deaths

This new study was performed by a bunch of research groups from several universities, such as Georgetown University, The University of Michigan, Yale University and some health organizations like VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control, The Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and even the Truth Initiative.

If you’re familiar with some of those names and where this study was published, you’re probably as surprised as I am that this is a positive study. BMJ’s Tobacco Control is notorious for publishing anti-vaping studies and groups like the Truth Initiative have been fairly anti-vaping too. So this is really surprising.

But let’s get into the study.

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Researchers Try to Replicate the Infamous Formaldehyde Study But Can’t

Just about everyone is familiar with the infamous formaldehyde study. That’s probably the biggest and most well-known study ever done on vaping. It’s brought up at least once a week on popular vaping Facebook groups and online forums, despite it having been debunked many times and in many ways.

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Poll Shows That Most Vapers Use Both Pre-Built Coils and Hand-Wrapped Coils

Here a little study that I did myself! During my last giveaway, I ran a poll. I asked entrants to answer one multiple choice question; Do you only build your own coils, buy only pre-built coils, or both.

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Without Proof The CDC Claims Smoking in Movies Causes Teen Smoking

In July 2017, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a report about how smoking in movies can result in youth using tobacco products. They start out their report with some strong accusations. The report says that the former Surgeon General has concluded that there is a causal relationship between young people starting to smoke and depictions of smoking in movies. They claim that kids who are heavily exposed to smoking in movies are two to three times more likely to start smoking.

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Tobacco in Sports: Nicotine and Sports Performance


Here’s a question many newer vapers ask – is vaping bad for athletes? Any experienced vaper who has switched from smoking will tell you that they’ve seen very drastic health improvements after switching. But what about nicotine in general? For example, it’s been a long tradition in professional baseball with athletes chewing tobacco. This could be due to beliefs of nicotine and enhanced sports performance. Athletes and nicotine use appears to be growing.

According to a study published this month, anywhere from a third to nearly half of serious athletes playing team sports are using nicotine to enhance performance. The author of the study, School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition Senior Lecturer Dr. Toby Mundel found that nicotine use is fairly high in team sports and is increasing. So he designed this study to try to figure out why athletes are using it and how it affects physical performance.

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