This was sent to me for review from Wotofo. If you’re into rebuildable atomizers, you need a kit like this. Get it here (affiliate). I have a Coil Master kit like this that I’ve been using for years, and I use it every single day. It’s just nice having all of your tools, neatly organized and in one place. So let’s talk about this Wotofo kit.
Everything comes in this waterproof case, which zips up to keep it all safe. The waterproof material is nice because it’ll protect everything from getting wet, and also good for keeping cotton safe if you throw some in here. So you open it up and there are a couple of pockets to hold things
And in one of the pockets is a small towel.
Open it up and you get a whole bunch of handy tools.
4-in-1 Screwdriver
The screwdriver holds four different bits. To get those out, you unscrew the top of the screwdriver and dump them out. You have a 1.5mm hex, a 1.3mm hex, a 2.5 flathead bit, and a 2.5mm Phillips head. The bits are made of vanadium steel for durability. You loosen the chuck to get the bit in and then tighten it down and It holds it in nice and tight. And the screwdriver itself has this nice gripping so that it’s easy to really crank on it if you have a tight screw.
Two Coil Jigs
These are self-balancing jigs with hollowed ends to keep the weight even. That makes these really easy to use when you’re installing coils because it won’t just slip out of your hand due to having too much weight in one end.
I love that Wotofo included two jigs because there are some atomizers that require both coils to be in place before tightening them down. That’s actually one of my biggest frustrations with the Coil Master kit because there’s only one jig of each diameter. So this makes building on those types of decks way easier. Each jig has a 3.5mm, 3mm, 2.5mm, and a 2mm section. Just wrap your coils around the size you want, push it up against the end to tighten it, and you’re done.
Ceramic Tweezers
If you’re building your own coils, these are great for making sure you don’t short out your device while adjusting the coils and getting out hotspots. You definitely don’t want to strum or pinch your coils while using metal tweezers and then accidentally hit the fire button, because that’ll cause a short. So with the ceramic ends, you don’t have to worry about that.
Bent Tip Tweezers
These are nice for really getting into tight or awkward spots. The really sharp points are also handy for fluffing up your cotton so that it wicks better.
Bent Nose Pliers
These have rubber grips, so they won’t slip in your hands, and the neat thing with these is that the tips are non-serrated, so they won’t damage your coils. They have a slight bend in them too, so that helps for getting into some tighter spots.
Tungsten Reinforced Flush Wire Cutter
These wire cutters are spring loaded, so it’s good for cutting your wire and popping back open so that they don’t seize up with the wire caught inside. The cutting edges are made of tungsten steel, so they should be durable enough to last a long time.
Medical Standard Scissors
These are stainless steel scissors and work great for cutting cotton wicks. These also have bigger finger rings than most scissors like this, so they’re comfortable to hold. The only thing I would have liked would be if they had sharp tips, just to make them useful for other things like tucking in your cotton.
Final Thoughts
When I started getting into rebuildable tanks and RDA, I bought all of my tools separately. And that works fine. But then I got a kit from Coil Master and I couldn’t believe how much I loved it. It’s certainly not a necessity, but it sure makes life easier. And it’s great being able to put all of these tools in your backpack when you’re on the go, or in your car, or suitcase, or whatever. And the shell expands enough to fit a spool of wire in here too, so that lets you carry around everything you need.
One of the features that the Coil Master jig has over the ones in the Wotofo kit is that Coil Master’s makes it way easier to make tight contact coils. That’s not easy with these jigs. I personally only ever use spaced coils, so it doesn’t bother me at all, but I’m sure it would bother some people.
This was sent to me for review from Wotofo, so if you’re interested, you can get the kit from for $29.99. (affiliate)
Alex is a former smoker who successfully quit smoking after 14 years by switching to vaping. Now a pro-vaping advocate, Alex has become a seasoned expert with over a decade of experience in the vaping industry. Since starting his vaping journey in 2010, Alex has earned a reputation as a trusted reviewer, extensively testing all types of vape gear, including mech mods, sub-ohm tanks, RDAs, disposables, e-juices, boro devices, squonkers, dry herb vaporizers, and e-rigs. He’s also explored the craft of coil building and DIY e-juice.
Since 2015, Alex has published more than 800 in-depth articles on vaping, produced over 500 videos covering product reviews, industry news, and tips, contributed to several well-known vape publications, and hosted a popular vaping podcast featuring over 100 episodes and nearly 40 hours of content.