The biggest news in the vaping community in regards to politics comes in the form of an announcement from Gary Johnson, the Libertarian third party candidate running for president this election.
Kurt Loeblich, of Cloud Chasers Inc, managed to receive an email response from Gary Johnson’s National campaign director, Jim Wallace about their campaigns thoughts on the vaping industry.
The email said:
“In the first debate, voters listened to two candidates dance around the American economy. What you’ll never hear from those candidates is how the economy is being killed by excessive regulation. Vaping, a new industry offering products as a healthier alternative to smoking, is about to be regulated out of existence. That just doesn’t make any sense.”
He also stated that “As Gov. Gary Johnson has said, the free market and entrepreneurial spirit should be encouraged, not destroyed. Nowhere is this more obvious than the vaping industry.”
Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have all but ignored the vape community’s plea to talk about what’s happening to the vape industry. The FDA has deemed vaping products as tobacco and is dead set on regulating it into oblivion. If the lawsuits against the FDA by Nicopure, Lost Art Liquids, and the Right To Be Smoke Free Coalition fail, vaping will no longer exist in less than two years.
This story has been really hot this past week.
Most of the discussion I’m seeing around it is negative towards Gary Johnson, with most people saying that Gary Johnson is not fit for presidency based on his beliefs. I’m not going to go into those reasons, you can look them up yourself.
I’m not a single issue voter and I wouldn’t vote for Gary Johnson just because he supports vaping. Vaping is important to me, but so are many other things in life, so I have to look at the bigger picture.
But what I think is really great about Gary Johnson publicly supporting vaping is that he finally brought the topic to the attention of people who might not have any idea about what’s happening in the industry. I hope this works it’s way up to Trump and Clinton. It’s not likely to be a topic they ever talk about in a national debate, but maybe they’ll say something about vaping outside of debates, such as in an email like Gary Johnson did.