When I first became interested in RDA’s, the Veritas kept coming up in discussions as one of the best RDAs on the market, especially for people interested in flavor, like myself.
The biggest drawback though is that it’s generally considered to be difficult to build on. Despite the warnings and despite the fact that I was a total noob with rebuildable atomizers, I picked up a clone of the Veritas anyway.
The authentic version of the Veritas was created by iHybrid and sells for $120.00, which is way out of my budget range, so I ordered the Veritas from Fasttech for $10.00. I’ve been using it regularly since March 2015, so I’m fairly familiar with it at this point.
Check out my video review below and my additional thoughts in the following blog post.
Specs (for the clone)
- Cost: $10-$12
- 1:1 clone
- Compatible with 510 drip tip
- Air flow control on the sleeve (one 3mm air hole)
- Tri-post design for dual coil build
- 6.3mm deep juice well
- Ambigram logo engraving (it says “Veritas” right side up and upside down)
- 510 connection w/ brass center pin
- 21.8mm diameter
I ordered the 1:1 clone version, which has since been discontinued, but there are several other models available on Fasttech, such as stainless steel, copper plated, brass plated, and black plated. You can also get a larger diameter version at 29.6mm. The Veritas Styled RDA from Fasttech comes with 28 gauge wire, a silica wick, wire mesh, and a little blue screwdriver. Mine did not come with a drip tip, but all of the other models do.
The machine quality of the clone is surprisingly well-done. The threading is smooth and it easily screws right onto all of the devices I’ve tried it on. The post nut threads are smooth as well. I didn’t find any leftover machine oil on it and no metal shavings left behind either.
There is one air flow hole on the back of the top cap. It’s a wide hole at 3mm and should provide enough air flow for most people, but if you’re using any of the new sub-ohm tanks or any sort of competition style atomizer with a ton of airflow, this 3mm hole might not be enough.
The juice well is nice and deep for an RDA. There are two negative posts on the front of the deck and one positive post in the middle. The coil sits right in front of the airflow hole, which is the reason the Veritas offers more flavor than other atomizers.
The Veritas is approximately 22mm, so it’ll sit flush and look nice on most devices.
Everyone says the Veritas is difficult to build on and they’re right. My first build took me about 25 minutes to get right. After doing several builds I got a lot faster and by this point I can get it set up in about 5-10 minutes. What makes it so difficult to build on is that you basically have to wrap the coil directly on the deck. Unlike most other RDAs, you can’t wrap a coil separately and then screw it into the posts when you’re done.
The Veritas has one 3mm air flow hole, which is quite a bit of air flow. It was almost too much for me at first, but now after having used atomizers with even more airflow, such as the Kanger Subtank Plus or the Mutation XV3, I can see how it might not be enough for some people. To get a tighter draw, you need to turn the top cap to close off the air hole. The air flow doesn’t really change at all until there’s barely a tiny sliver of hole visible.
The flavor production from this RDA is very good, which is the reason I bought it. The coil is designed to sit right in front of the air flow hole, which is the reason the Veritas has so much flavor. It seemed to have nice vapor production too.
As with any RDA, if you fill it up and put it in your pocket, it’s probably going to leak. The Veritas has double o-rings at the base where the top cap connects to the deck, so there is no leaking issues there but if it tips in your pocket, it’ll probably leak out of the air flow hole. But if you keep it mostly upright and not too full of e-liquid, the deep well should prevent it from leaking much, if at all.
My preferred build on the Veritas is a 3mm diameter, 1.2 ohm single coil build. I’ve tried vaping it at 30 watts and it was way too hot. I’ve found that around 15-20 watts works best for me. I also find that it works best when the cotton is tucked beneath the coil, instead of in the corners.
Final Thoughts
The Veritas is not easy to build on and I wouldn’t recommend it as a first RDA, but for someone with just a little experience using a rebuildable atomizer, the Veritas can be learned quickly. My first RDA was the Caterpillar and I only owned it for a month before I tried building on the Veritas, so I was still a beginner and I figured it out. I still rarely change the coil in it though because I don’t find it enjoyable to build on. Dry burning the coil and replacing the cotton is good enough for me.
The flavor that I get from the Veritas is awesome. I like the deep juice well and this RDA provides as much vapor as I need. I wouldn’t mind a little more air flow, but I think for most people the airflow is more than enough.
Although building on the Veritas is a chore, it’s certainly worth the effort. I have several other atomizers now and I still use the Veritas regularly.
I highly recommend the Veritas RDA. You can pick up the clone from Fasttech or an authentic Veritas from VaporDNA.
Alex is a former smoker who successfully quit smoking after 14 years by switching to vaping. Now a pro-vaping advocate, Alex has become a seasoned expert with over a decade of experience in the vaping industry. Since starting his vaping journey in 2010, Alex has earned a reputation as a trusted reviewer, extensively testing all types of vape gear, including mech mods, sub-ohm tanks, RDAs, disposables, e-juices, boro devices, squonkers, dry herb vaporizers, and e-rigs. He’s also explored the craft of coil building and DIY e-juice.
Since 2015, Alex has published more than 800 in-depth articles on vaping, produced over 500 videos covering product reviews, industry news, and tips, contributed to several well-known vape publications, and hosted a popular vaping podcast featuring over 100 episodes and nearly 40 hours of content.