Check out the latest episode of the VapePassion Show! This is episode six of the VapePassion Show.
I discuss the best batteries you should buy for your mods, helpful vaping tips for new vapers, the latest vaping news, e-cig tax bills that have died, and recent scientific research.
Links to everything I talk about are below the video.
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Everything I talked about in this episode
- Mooch’s Recommended Batteries
- A fresh explosion video
- HERE’S WHAT HAPPENED – Vlog.37 – YouTube - 5 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Coil
- Bloody Hell 20 Quid for THIS? Would this even be safe?
- Hand Crafted ‘Bare Bones’ Mech Mod
- A review of the “Brilliant” Bare Bones mod - China Manufacturers Not Interested In SEVIA USA
- Super Size Me: Vaping E-Liquid Edition
- The Problem of Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in Tobacco Control: How It Works and Why We are So Hypocritical
- Nic Safety – Learn from my mistake
- Some Guy Vaped Chemicals On Me Outside The Bar
- Hong Kong biology professor cannot understand the difference between mLs of e-liquid and mLs of breathing air
- Electronic cigarettes. A briefing for stop smoking services.pdf
- E-cigarettes are estimated to have helped 16,000-22,000 smokers in England to quit in 2014
- E-cigarette Batteries: Vaping for journalists
- Formaldehyde exposure from 3 e-cigarette formats tested well below WHO quality guidelines
- Tobacco Tax Increase Dead in West Virginia; Budget Scramble Is On
- 86.5% tax on e-cigs vaporized by lawmakers in Utah committee
- So VaporDNA has hidden my review, twice, because it is negative
- Can Negative Reviews Increase Conversions?
- Smucker Goes After E-Cig Co. For Using ‘Uncrustable’ Mark