I think everyone who wanted one of these probably already has one by now, but I was slow to jump on this. So when Sourcemore.com reached out to me and asked if I wanted to review something from their store, I asked for the Wotofo Profile RDA (affiliate). There are so many newer and more expensive things I could’ve picked, but this is something I really really wanted.
The Profile RDA was designed by Joel Robinson, a vape reviewer who goes by the name of MrJustRight1. I don’t know all of the details of his involvement in the design, but I know he had some role in making it one of the most popular products of last year.
- 24mm diameter, 32.5mm tall
- Mesh or regular coils
- Sixteen Colors:
- Four original: SS, Black, Blue, Gunmetal, Gold, Rainbow
- Four aluminum colors: purple, red, blue, green
- Three clear frosted colors: clear, ultimo, black
- Three matte colors: gunmetal, steel, black
In The Box:
- Profile RDA
- 1 cotton strip
- Extra 810 drip tip
- Bending tool
- Clapton coil
- Mesh coil sheets
- Spare parts: o-rings and screws
You might also notice how thick the top cap and barrel are. According to Mike Vapes, he asked MrJustRight1 about this and he told him it was to minimize the amount of space inside the RDA to create a better flavor. That makes a lot of sense. It prevents flavor loss and maintains the diameter of the deck. It’s a smart idea.
Drip Tips
The pre-installed drip tip is your average 810 drip tip. It doesn’t have o-rings on it and is held in place by the o-rings in the top cap. I really like the design of the tip. And you also get an extra grayish drip tip if you don’t like the pre-installed tip.
Top Cap
The top cap has o-rings embedded into the drip tip section.
The walls built into the cap allow you to incrementally open or close airflow.
It starts by closing off the top row of holes, then it starts to close off all of the holes at the same time, so you can’t just close off one row, then another row, and then the final row. And whatever change you make to the airflow happens on both sides.
Other than that, there’s really nothing else special about the top cap.
My one complaint here is that the top cap gets really messy where it slides into place. I almost always have e-juice sitting on the outside of the RDA where the top cap and barrel connect.
The Barrel
The barrel or sleeve is just your average barrel, but as long as it works, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. And this one works, so no complaints from me.
As far as how much airflow you get from all of these holes, you get pretty much as much airflow as you could want. Wide open, it’s very airy. You can damn near breathe through it. And then, of course, you can close it off as much as you want from there.
There are two tabs on the inside of the barrel.
These slide into the slots on the deck. That prevents the barrel from sliding around when you’re trying to get the atomizer off of your device, so I’m always a fan of that feature.
My one complaint with the airflow holes is that it’s really hard to see how many are open. I don’t know if that’s because I have the black version, but I have to look really close to see where it’s set.
Building the Deck
So here’s what everyone has been talking about. This deck has the ability to use either mesh strips or regular coils, which is awesome, but really what most people are talking about with the Profile is the mesh aspect.
Packaged with the Profile are pre-cut mesh strips designed perfectly to fit into the deck. Those are 16mm long and 6.8mm wide, so if you buy a spool of mesh strips, that’s the length you should cut them at. The strips are made of A1 Kanthal and have a resistance of 0.18 ohms. Wotofo recommends you vape it between 40-60 watts.
I also bought some of these OFRF NexMesh coils which were designed for the Profile. These are 0.13-ohm strips recommended to vape between 60-70 watts. I believe OFRF is actually a Wotofo sister brand. These are much finer mesh with smaller holes. They perform really well. They fire faster than the pre-packaged mesh, they handle more wattage, and they have better flavor. I wouldn’t say that I noticed a drastic difference in flavor, but it’s definitely better. So yeah, I would recommend picking these up if you buy the Profile RDA.
And I bought a spool of mesh from Vandy Vape too. This didn’t really work out for me because of the width of the wire, so If you buy a spool of mesh, you’ll need to get the right width, which I’m not even sure exists. The spool that I bought is too wide so I had to do a bunch of cutting to get it to fit. It eventually worked, but it wasn’t worth the hassle.
In the box, you’ll also find this coil tool.
To prepare the strip, just wrap it around the wide end of the coil tool, slide it into the posts, then tighten it down. It comes out perfect every time. Wotofo also recommends rubbing the small end of the coil tool around the insides of the coil after it’s installed, which is just to make sure it’s as even as possible. You want it to be very even so that it fires perfectly over the surface of the cotton.
And like I mentioned before, you can also use any other regular coils in here, so if you run out of mesh strips, you can still use anything you want in here. I tested an Alien coil in here and it works great too. When you put the coil in, put it in the same direction as the spring-loaded piece, that way the cotton comes out of the sides where they have space in the juice well. The only pain with using regular coils is that you have to cut the coil legs to the right length so that they fit, but it’s not much more work. And the flavor I get from these coils is almost as good as the mesh coils. Not as good, but still pretty good, which is awesome.
Disassembling the Deck
You have the ability to remove and exchange the 510 pin like you’d expect since you can use the squonk pin or solid pin. That’s easy to do with the included screwdriver.
You also have the ability to remove the spring-loaded piece and replace the spring. That’s not so easy. To remove the metal screw that the 510 pin screws into requires a larger flathead screwdriver, but not too wide, and also very thin. Some people might not have the right size in their home to do this. You also need two screwdrivers to hold one screw in place while you unscrew the other. That’s also a pain.
If you do need to remove this piece, when you put it back together you’ll want to screw it back in so that it’s just a hair below the Delrin sleeve. The 510 pin will screw in and stick out quite a bit if that piece is sticking out any further.
Another thing I noticed is that the spring is very thin. After feeling it, I don’t have a lot of confidence in it. I would have also liked for it to have just a little more tension, but then again, this might have been something that MrJustRight or Wotofo tested and found to work perfectly, so I can’t say for sure whether or not it would be better any other way. It works perfectly for the included cotton and with the cotton squares that I use normally.
Spring-Loaded Cotton Support – Wicking the Profile
If you’ve seen reviews for any other mesh coil RDAs, you’ve probably heard how difficult they are to wick. I don’t have any others, so I can’t tell you, but I trust everyone else when they say it. The problem seems to be that you need to really pack in that cotton tight against the mesh strip so that it fires evenly across the entire surface area, rather than creating a hot spot or touching only some areas of the cotton. If you don’t wick it right, you’re going to get a hot spot and inhale a flame.
But with the Profile RDA, they designed this very innovative ceramic spring-loaded tension support that pushes the cotton up into the mesh. You still need to use a lot of cotton but this greatly reduces the chance of hot spots and dry hits.
When you trim the cotton, I’ve found that you’ll want it to be just a few Millimeters past the edge of the deck. Of course, that changes if you’re using other coils in the deck that might sit higher or lower. But if you’re using the mesh strips, cut it just a little bit outside of the deck.
The cotton strips that Wotofo included weigh about 0.58 grams, so that might help you figure out how much cotton you should use once you run out of the strips that come in the box. If you buy those big cotton squares from Amazon that are really popular, those weigh about 0.54 grams, so you would use a whole square of cotton to wick the Profile.
I used my own cotton squares too and tried my best to mimic the same diameter as the cotton that Wotofo includes and while a little challenging, it really isn’t too hard to do. The hard part is not making it too thick and not making it too thin. I actually made mine even more packed than Wotofo’s and it still wicked nicely and fired perfectly. You want it to be tight so that it pushes up against the mesh and doesn’t collapse later.
The key thing to remember when you’re wicking the Profile is that it needs to be packed tight. There are lots of videos online with people firing their Profile and getting an instant flame, even when the wick is drenched in e-juice. That’s because their wick is not packed tight enough and the mesh wire is getting too hot, too fast. If you’re getting a flame you probably didn’t use enough cotton or your wick has collapsed after a period of time.
The Profile comes with the squonking pin pre-installed, so keep that in mind. You don’t want to throw this on a regular device and start dumping e-juice in there or it’ll leak into your device. From what I’ve heard, they did this because they believe this RDA really shines in squonk mode. While that might be true, I don’t think any RDA should have the squonk pin pre-installed because people will make the mistake of leaving it in and using it on a non-squonking device. User-error? Sure. But it should be prevented by the company when it’s an obvious mistake that customers will make.
Anyway, The squonk hole is smack dab in the middle of the deck and pushes e-juice directly into the cotton. When you’re using the mesh strips, the squonking feature works great. I love how the e-juice saturates the wick and sometimes even pushes through it.
If you’re using a smaller regular coil, it’ll simply dump e-juice into the deck and that’s just fine too.
One common complaint I’ve heard about this is that the Profile isn’t designed for producing warm vapes. Some people just like warm or hot hits. It’s not what I would necessarily call a drawback because that’s just a personal preference, but it’s something to consider if that’s your style of vaping.
The airflow is super smooth, which I love. No whistles, no turbulence, just a really smooth vape.
The mesh strips have a nearly instant ramp-up time, and that’s really one of the key reasons mesh works so well. It hits that entire surface of cotton almost at once and gives you great flavor.
And the flavor is absolutely amazing. What’s so surprising about it is that you can vape it lower wattages, such as 45 watts, and still get so much good flavor. A lot of people say that we get such great flavor from vaping at high wattage because it’s spitting e-juice directly into our mouths. I agree that’s true. But here’s a great example of a device that has amazing flavor without spitting e-juice into your mouth. In my opinion, the flavor production is excellent.
One common complaint that I’ve heard and something I noticed immediately is that the temperature is very cool, even at the max wattage of 65 watts. I think that is partly due to the max wattage of 65 watts, but also because of how the air passes through the RDA. It’s just a cool vape. I don’t consider that to be a problem, just something to keep in mind for those of you who like to vape at hot temperatures.
Final Thoughts
So that’s it for the Profile RDA. This is an absolute must-buy in my opinion, especially because you can get it for super-cheap now. It’s easy to use, it squonks great, you can use mesh or regular coils, and the flavor I get is really good.
The main cons that I have are that the o-ring gets a little messy at the top cap and that you’ll need to buy mesh strips if you want to keep using mesh. Buying mesh isn’t a big deal, but I always worry about special types of coils becoming hard to find as time goes on. But it’s hard to say if that will actually be an issue.
It’s an awesome RDA and I highly recommend adding one of these to your collection.
This was sent to me from Sourcemore.com and you can get it from them for about $18, which is super affordable and absolutely worth the price.
Alex is a former smoker who successfully quit smoking after 14 years by switching to vaping. Now a pro-vaping advocate, Alex has become a seasoned expert with over a decade of experience in the vaping industry. Since starting his vaping journey in 2010, Alex has earned a reputation as a trusted reviewer, extensively testing all types of vape gear, including mech mods, sub-ohm tanks, RDAs, disposables, e-juices, boro devices, squonkers, dry herb vaporizers, and e-rigs. He’s also explored the craft of coil building and DIY e-juice.
Since 2015, Alex has published more than 800 in-depth articles on vaping, produced over 500 videos covering product reviews, industry news, and tips, contributed to several well-known vape publications, and hosted a popular vaping podcast featuring over 100 episodes and nearly 40 hours of content.